
Big 4 Audit Manager

St. Louis, MO

Accounting, Internal Audit

10 years



CPA and prime candidate for general ledger accounting, external financial reporting, and internal audit roles at the manager level. Experience includes 5 years of tax, audit and bookkeeping with local public accounting firms before joining a Big 4 firm in 2018. Humble, dedicated and loyal professional.

Strengths: (1) Dedication, (2) loyalty, (3) pride of work, (4) proactive, and (5) strives to be helpful and resourceful

Career Highlight 1: Part of Big 4 team hired to do an initial assessment of and design program for internal controls for a large federal government entity. She was co-lead for designing internal controls over a 3-year period.

Career Highlight 2: Breadth of experience over 10 years include

Career Highlight 3: Process improvement

Education: Bachelor’s in Accounting

Credentials: CPA

Industry Experience: Agriculture, Consumer Packaged Goods, Defense, Telecom, Wholesale & Distribution

Company Fit: Great for large companies.

Management Experience: 5 years, up to staff of 9

Open To: Hybrid, Remote

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